Here are ten quotes from Catholic saints and spiritual figures that highlight the significance of the theological virtue of charity (love).
Category: Bishop David Walker
The Theological Virtue of Hope
The Christian virtue of hope is one of the three theological virtues, alongside faith and charity (love). Hope is the confident expectation of the fulfilment of God’s promises, especially the ultimate promise of eternal life with Him. It is a trust in God’s goodness, faithfulness, and providence, even in the face of trials and uncertainties….
On the Presence of God
The real mainspring of all perfection you will find contained in the precept given of old by God to Abraham: -Walk before me, and be blameless” (Gen. 17:1). The presence of God will calm your spirit–it will give you peaceful nights, and tranquilize your mind even amid the hardest day’s work; but then for this…
The Purpose of Suffering
God never makes you suffer unnecessarily. He intends for your suffering to heal and purify you. The hand of God hurts you as little as it can. Anxiety brings suffering. Sometimes you are simply unwilling to suffer, and you end up resisting God’s work. If you put away all your restless longings and your anxiety,…
The Need for Patience
What I have noticed with doves is that they mourn in the same way that they rejoice, and that they sing always the same note, both in their songs of joy as in the songs in which they lament and express their complaints and sorrow. Whether they be joyous or sad, they never change their…
The Fish in the Sea
Nothing in all nature is so lovely and so vigorous, so perfectly at home in its environment, as a fish in the sea. It’s surroundings give to it a beauty, quality, and power which is not its own. We take it out, and at once a poor, limp dull thing, fit for nothing, is gasping…
THE STORM from ‘God is a Sea’
In this storm of love two spirits strive together: the spirit of God and our own spirit. God, through the Holy Spirit, inclines himself towards us; and, thereby, we are touched in love. And our spirit, by God’s workings and by the power of love, presses and inclines itself into God: and thereby, God is…
New Temperance (Handout) – Bishop David Walker
The four cardinal virtues—prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance—are central to the formation of the human person in moral philosophy. Here’s how they each contribute to character development: Together, these virtues form a framework for ethical behaviour and character formation. They influence the human person by guiding actions, shaping decisions, and fostering a moral identity aligned…
Easter message form Bishop David Walker
To be an Easter Sunday person it is necessary to be Friday Calvary person. There is an essential link between Easter Sunday and Calvary Friday. They are two ways of looking at the one event. Without Calvary Friday, Easter Sunday is meaningless. Without Easter Sunday, Calvary Friday is meaningless. The words of Jesus in the…
Passions Purification – Bishop David Walker
THE INTERNAL SENSE OF IMAGINATION PASSIONS PURIFICATION 1765 There are many passions. The most fundamental passion is love, aroused by the attraction of the good. Love causes a desire for the absent good and the hope of obtaining it; this movement finds completion in the pleasure and joy of the good possessed. the apprehension of…