

How I learned to pray the Examen – despite my short attention span by Kaitlin Campbell

As someone drawn to absolutes, I have always been haunted by the words of St. Ignatius about the Examen. He writes, “If you prayed no other prayer, you should at least pray the Examen once a day.” As someone who has been diagnosed with learning differences and neurodivergence—after years of being labelled a “space cadet”—it

How I learned to pray the Examen – despite my short attention span by Kaitlin Campbell Read More »

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Power of Gratitude

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” Meister Eckhart I have absolutely nothing in common with Meister Eckhart: Eckhart was born in 1260 in Hochheim (Thuringia). He entered the Dominican Order quite early, and received most of his education in the Studium Generale in Cologne that Albert the

Power of Gratitude Read More »
