The Present Moment as Prayer We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of…
Author: Lectio Divina
Lectio Reflection – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 25:14-30
Preparation of Laity for Mission We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of…
Lectio Reflection – Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 25:1-13
Fenelon on Meditation and Prayer We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of…
Lectio Reflection – Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 23:1-12
Holiness: Pattern or Journey We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of God….
Bishop David Walker Video Talks – St Teresa of Avila
This series of talks is about “the way of perfection of St Teresa of Avila” while the focus of the talks is on this book other material from St Teresa’s works will be part of the talks.
St. Teresa of Ávila, also known as St. Teresa of Jesus, was a prominent Spanish mystic, theologian, and writer of the 16th century. She is best known for her contributions to Christian spirituality and her significant role in the Catholic Reformation. Here’s a brief history and description of her life and her work, “The Way of Perfection”
Julian of Norwich
Both Julian of Norwich and the author of The Cloud of Unknowing use the Middle English term semely to navigate moments of tension surrounding the ability of material signs to convey divine truth. The authors treat a variety of signs, some linguistic, some not, all of which require interpretation to be properly understood. The wide variety of such material…
Lectio Divina
Historical Critical Level and Theological Level of Scripture “The Synod Fathers rightly stated that the positive fruit yielded by the use of modern historical-critical research is undeniable. While today’s academic exegesis, including that of Catholic scholars, is highly competent in the field of historical-critical methodology and its latest developments, it must be said that comparable…