It is true that we cannot succeed in works without prayer. But works must be practised in addition to prayer and with the support of prayer. We must even pray for success in prayer. In practice the work of prayer is as essential as is the work of good actions. To achieve all this, we…
Author: Lectio Divina
Lectio Reflection – Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) – Luke 2:15-20
Holiness: Pattern or Journey We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of God….
Lectio Reflection – Fourth Sunday of Advent – Luke 1:26-38
Holiness in the Second Vatican Council We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face…
Lectio Reflection – Third Sunday of Advent – John 1:6-8, 19-28
Holiness in the New Testament We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of…
Lectio Reflection – Second Sunday of Advent – Mark 1:1-8
Icons of Mary We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of God. Faith…
Lectio Reflection – First Sunday of Advent – Mark 13:33-37
Prayerful Life – Demitrios of Rostov Theophane We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human…
Lectio Reflection – Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 25:31-36
The Present Moment as Prayer We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of…
Lectio Reflection – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 25:14-30
Preparation of Laity for Mission We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of…
Lectio Reflection – Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 25:1-13
Fenelon on Meditation and Prayer We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of…
Lectio Reflection – Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 23:1-12
Holiness: Pattern or Journey We invite you to share with us your prayerful reflection on The Sunday Gospel readings with Bishop David Walker, Fr John Frauenfelder and Virginia Ryan These Lectio Reflections provide the framework to develop our faith life. Our faith is in Jesus who comes to us as the human face of God….