What we see can foster or disrupt our interior life, our relationship with Jesus. . Is what we pay attention to visually fostering or disrupting our interior life?
The Interior life, in a spiritual sense, refers to that conflict in the heart of the person, who works with their disordered natural inclination in order to regulate them and endeavours to develop their heart so that in all things it judges and directs all its actions to the glory of God… The interior life is developing in our heart a close relationship with Jesus, to whom we constantly turn our heart, and in whom we find the strength to direct all that we do to the glory of God. (Chautard)
What we think, imagine, remember, desire or choose are central to our interior life. All of these are affected by the sense of sight.
What we see: people, events, objects, Theatre, Films, Television, literature,
Ideal: that our vision be regulated by reason enlightened by faith. This affects how we see.
Modesty is the virtue which controls and regulates the senses
The effect of the senses on the intellect and the will., on memory and imagination.
The eyes draw us to pleasure not necessarily guided by the reason and faith.
The lamps of the eyes touch the untouchable” Greg Naziansis
Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Mt 5:28
Be not captivated by your eyes, and if at all possible, not even by a careless lance. Prov 6:25
People; jealousy , envy. Greed, lust
Motivate the passions
Theatre, tv. Reading
Nourish our inner life. Interior life.
Intellect, will, imagination, memory
Deepest impression, more than the others senses.
When that is pursued is it under the control of reason enlightened by faith.
Take care of what we pay attention to
Custody of the senses: what we pay attention to.
- Most noble and most dangerous of external senses because of the impression it puts on the soul.
- Glances that are seriously sinful
- “But I say to you that anyone who so much as looks with lust at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Mt 5:28)
- Every voluntary glance toward a person or object which is a serious occasion of sin, especially if it is accompanied by an evil desire, is a grave sin.
- Dangerous glances
- “ When without an evil desire but also without sufficient reason, one fixes his glance on a person or any object which could lead him to sin. This is an extremely dangerous imprudence.
- Job 31:1 made a covenant with his eyes.
- “Through woman’s beauty many perish, for lust for it burns like fire” (Sirach 9:8)
- After the glance comes the arousal of the imagination, the irresistible desire and the shameful fall.
- Without control over the eyes it is impossible to say on the road of virtue or even in the state of grace.
- Pornography
- Curious glances
- Not evil or dangerous, but the joy of looking. With excessive attachment and too much frequency, they can become an obstacle to prayer and recollection.
- It dissipates the spiritual fervour which God has imparted to the soul. It creates an unhappy and distracted state.